Sunday, September 20, 2009

One More Tune - Heartbeat of the Dublin Songwriter Scene

I've got media indigestion. Every time I trip heavily into the broadcasting web, I feel I'm about to choke. There's too much for me, it's too broad, with too many curiosities. Either I click the power button and turn my head to vomit, or I spend hours trawling through nets and hooks of data to glean a useful message. Either way, I end up feeling stoppered, uncomfortable, and unsure if I've have had enough.

What I really need is some purity. Some organic media, if you will, with original content without an agenda. And I want it in bitesize, useful chunks. I want it to coax me, enlighten, charm and explore. I want a lot.

Luckily, there's One More Tune, a young website that hunts out coolness in Dublin so I don't have to. If you've never been, take a peek. The interviews are short, soft, heartfelt and warm. One by one you can find background intel on most of the songwriters in Ireland, and the list is ever expanding. From Gemma Hayes, to Mark Geary, Glen Hansard to The Spook of the 13th Lock, Roots Manuva to Dirty Epics, the interviews are engaging and honest.

When you watch, it's like you're peeking into a conversation between friends. There's none of the media punch. It's the living room poll, a comfy, tuck yourself in kind of operation, with the fire on and a cup of cocoa. Where MTV slaps you with a bareknuckled fist, One More Tune hugs you warmly and whispers something important in your ear. Yum.

So if you've had an overdose of media vindaloo and fancy a musical digestive, take 3 mins to watch something happy, honest and enlightening. It's the alka selzter of entertainment news.

DIARIT: 8/10

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